Central Bank Digital Currencies

Digital currencies issued by central banks

  • Central Bank Digital Currencies (CDBCs) are digital currencies proposed and issued by the central bank of a sovereign country

  • generally, they take on a digital form of the nation's existing fiat currency, like digital Euro or digital Dollar

  • with CBDCs, transfers could go through wallets directly from sender to receiver seamlessly and at little-to-no cost

  • because CBDCs would theoretically reach anyone with an e-wallet, it would allow for an efficient and widespread transfer of money even to those who have not been able participate in the traditional banking system

  • the domestic government could use CBDCs as a monetary-policy tool, where stimulus can be directly delivered to individuals

  • though at first glance CBDCs and cryptocurrencies can seem interchangeable, the two are strikingly different both in ethos and design

  • cryptocurrencies were founded on the idea of decentralization, privacy, and inclusion

  • CBDCs are under centralized ownership by the government, traceable, and are inclusive only within the realms of the government's chosen boundaries

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