
The log of the course

Temperature checks

These are proposals informally discussed on the Discord Red Panda channel. They are voted using a poll with the one-person-one-vote method. If the poll reaches a quorum of 6 voters, the proposal is made official, formalized on Snapshot, and voted with one-karma-one-vote method. Passed proposals are implemented.

The following is a list of temperature checks that has been proposed and voted:

Psychological risks associated with technology

A lesson on the possible psychological risks associated with the daily and compulsive use of technology

Change karmic remuneration

Change karmic remuneration by rewarding more students (6 instead of 3 for example) instead of doubling the fungible rewards in case of super participation of the classroom (see Rewards for details).

Metaverse trip

Organize a visit to the exhibition Not Only RGB, curated by Chiara Braidotti and Anastasia Pineschi for MoCDA, in the Decentraland metaverse.

Before venturing into the otherworld, someone briefly explains how to create and wear an avatar in Decentraland

  • Proposed by Chiara Braidotti

  • Organized by Chiara Braidotti

  • Voted on Discord poll

Decentralized Finance

A lesson on Decentralized Finance - DeFi

Explore smart contracts

A lesson dedicated to the programming of the ERC-721 smart contract standard

  • Proposed by Purpleman

  • Taught by Purpleman

  • Voted on Discord poll

Karma distribution

  1. +2: combugnera, Reddy, Martin3k, black7even, p.i.x.e.l.l.a.r.e., Massi, VanGango, taz, Chiara Braidotti, MatteoMugna, Emanuela (autonomous minting of the Red Panda badge)

  2. +10 to VanGango (inverse teaching)

  3. +5 to Chiara Braidotti (approved proposal)

  4. +10 to Chiara Braidotti and Massi (metaverse trip)

  5. +10 to Massi (inverse teaching)

  6. +10 to Purpleman (inverse teaching)

Final leaderboard

Code for winners sampling

We have 1 Black Dragon e 3 White Tigers. According to the Red Panda rules, we are going to select 3 winners out of 4 learners with probability proportional to the student karma.

Here is the R code for selecting the winners:

Winners sampling code
students = c("Massimiliano", "Chiara", "Michelangelo", "Marco")
karma = c(22, 17, 12, 10)
prob = karma / sum(karma)
seed = sample(1:1000, 1)
sample(students, size = 3, prob = prob)

Last updated