
  1. Accreditation form to join the course

  2. Discord server of the DAE project (look for Dear Data channels under Teaching category)

  3. Telegram channel of the DAE project

  4. DAE App to participate to democratic learning

  5. Snapshot space for proposing and voting (can be accessed from the DAE App)

  6. Metamask (security issue: use the given link to download Metamask) to create an Ethereum Wallet

  7. Course smart contracts on Sepolia: credentials and karma

  8. Sepolia faucet (Alchemy / Infura) Sepolia is a testnet of Ethereum. You can get a small amount of free Sepolia ETH every day (you need to make a free account on Alchemy / Infura). You will need them to operate with the DAE App as admin or teacher. You will not need Sepolia ETH as a student.

Last updated