Karmic remuneration

How we will remunerate your karma

At the end of the class, karma is translated into rewards. This process is called karmic remuneration.

The rewards are:

  • one (available) artwork at your choice from the DAE Collection on Tezos (list price is 100 XTZ)

  • an equivalent of 50$ in Tezos (XTZ) or Ether (ETH) at your choice

A number of 3 students will be randomly selected among the ones that reached the karma level larger than or equal to the median of karma among all enrolled students.

The random sampling is not uniform, but weighted by the relative karma ratings of the students involved in the selection. The relative karma of a student is defined as the karma collected by the student divided by the total karma of all students allowed in the sampling. For instance, if student A has relative karma 0.2 and student B has relative karma 0.1, then A has twice the chances of being selected than B. The sampling uses the sample R function and the following R code:

Winners sampling code

# fake data
students = letters[1:20]
karma = sample(1:100, 20)

# quartiles

# full ranking and sample ranking
ranking = 
  tibble(students, karma) %>% 
  filter(karma >= median(karma)) %>% 
  mutate(prob = karma / sum(karma)) %>% 
# sample winners
(seed = sample(1:10^6, 1))
sample(ranking$students, size = 3, prob = ranking$prob)

Single-whole loop

Let Q1, Q2, and Q3 be the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quartiles of the distribution of karma among enrolled students at the end of the course.


  1. Q1 > 10

  2. Q2 >= 15

  3. Q3 >= 20


  • the number of winners increases from 3 to 5

  • students with karma >= Q2 get +2 points at the exam

Recall that winners are randomly selected among those with karma >= Q2 with probability proportional to their karma.

Karma and final mark

Karma also influences the final mark given to a student:

  1. One third of the available points from 18 to 30, so 4 points, are awarded based on the student's karma score accrued during the course

  2. To calculate the distribution of points, we take the karma vector of everyone who has earned at least one karma point (hence with karma > 10) and divide it into quartiles. The first quartile (up to and including 0.25) gets 1 point at the exam, the second (up to and including 0.5) gets 2 points, the third (up to and including 0.75) gets 3 points, and the fourth (up to and including 1) gets 4 points. It follows that 0 karma points match to 0 exam points.

Last updated