
The class log

  1. 2/10/23. In which we introduce the course topics and teaching methodology

  2. 5/10/23. In which we introduce the DAE learning model (DAE Mod)

  3. 6/10/23. In which we demo the DAE APP and we start learning the blockchain technology

  4. 9/10/23. In which we go on learning the blockchain technology

  5. 12/10/23. In which we review the major blockchains Bitcoin and Ethereum and the halving of Bitcoin

  6. 13/10/23. In which we learn about gas and gas fees on Ethereum and we investigate the energy consumption and carbon intensity of proof-of-work blockchains

  7. 16/10/23. In which we review the many possibilities of crypto crime and the low relative significance of the phenomenon

  8. 19/10/23. In which we study the concept of crypto wallet and demo Metamask and Kukai wallets

  9. 20/10/23. In which we review the different token types (fungible, non-fungible, soulbound) that live on a blockchain

  10. 23/10/23. In which we go deeper into the notion of token and their application

  11. 26/10/23. In which we cover a couple of applications of fungible tokens, namely stablecoins and cryptocurrency exchanges

  12. 27/10/23. In which we study the concepts of CBDC, digital identity as well as of smart contract

  13. 30/10/23. In which we introduce online voting methods and quadratic voting

  14. 02/11/23. In which we discuss quadratic funding and introduce the concept of DAOs

  15. 03/11/23. In which we study zero-knowledge proofs, blockchain scalability and rollups

  16. 06/11/2023. In which we review a complexity theory of generative art and study some general techniques to blend order and disorder in art

  17. 09/11/2023. In which we see some early examples of generative artworks and how to code them in Processing and p5.js

  18. 10/11/2023. In which we investigate modern forms of generative art

  19. 13/11/2023. In which we investigate generative art projects that shaped the field

  20. 16/11/2023. In which we review the basics of R

  21. 17/11/2023. In which we review the package dplyr to transform and query data

  22. 20/11/2023. In which we insist on the package dplyr

  23. 23/11/2023. In which we review the package ggplot for visualizing data

  24. 24/11/2023. In which we review the package modelr for modelling data and we make a data challenge on Elo method for ranking players

  25. 27/11/2023. In which we demo life expectancy change over time

  26. 30/11/2023. In which we host Roberto Ranon on generative art as a guest speaker

  27. 01/12/2023. In which we introduce network science and review igraph package

  28. 04/12/2023. In which we review tidygraph and ggraph packages

  29. 07/12/2023. In which we review graph basics

  30. 11/12/2023. In which we cover basic centrality measures like degree, closeness and betweenness

  31. 14/12/2023. In which we investigate recursive centrality measures

  32. 15/12/2023. In which we host Francesco Fabris on CBDC as a guest speaker

  33. 18/12/2023. In which we cover signed network

  34. 21/12/2023. In which we study similarity and heterogeneity

  35. 22/12/2023. In which we investigate community detection

  36. 08/01/2024. In which we investigate Network models, connectivity and resilience, and geodesic distances and small worlds

  37. 11/01/2024. In which we study power laws and scale-free networks, assortativity, and motifs

  38. 12/01/2024. In which we study epidemics on networks

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